Monotype Workshop


Monotype Workshop


$155 with Guttenberg Arts Membership

Learn the art of mono-printing in this one day printmaking workshop at Guttenberg Arts.

Instructor: Russ Spitkovsky
Max students - 5


Monotype Printing is an incredibly immediate, playful, and multi-faceted type of printmaking, which could be described as a printed painting. Through learning and practicing a variety of transfer techniques, students will establish an understanding of the properties of ink, paper, pressure, and how they interact to create a broad range of aesthetic possibilities. Once the class has explored a variety of approaches, including additive and reductive ways to develop an image, and ink-mixing skills, each student will develop a series of prints exploring a process, a theme, or a narrative.

Instructor: Russ Spitkovsky

Date: Tues. June 23, 2024

Time: 6pm - 10pm

Max Students - 5

$190.00 *This Price Includes $50 Materials Cost*

Russ Spitkovsky’s artwork has been included in numerous national and international publications and exhibitions. He is one of the founders of CARRIER PIGEON and is currently editor in chief and contributor of the quarterly publication. In 2014, Russ helped create Guttenberg Arts, a multidisciplinary artist residency program. Web: