Important Information regarding Covid-19

Dear Patrons,

We want to share with you what we're doing at Guttenberg Arts to make sure that our space remains a safe and healthy place for the community to gather and enjoy the arts.

Here’s what we’re doing:

  1. Suspending Certain Programs To ensure we do not contribute to the spread of the Covid 19 virus, we are currently suspended our March and April 2020 public programming. This includes cancelling our upcoming Made Here Winter 2020 Group Show Opening Reception scheduled for March 31st and rescheduling our Free India Ink Workshop on April 11th to a later date.

  2. Sanitizing hard surfaces. We are using sanitizing wipes to clean door handles, sink faucets, light switches, buttons, and more daily!

  3. Training staff. In addition to the above measures, our staff and artists are instructed to wash their hands when arriving to work. Any staff member with a cough is asked to remain at home.

  4. Monitoring the situation. Guttenberg Arts will still be open for business until further notice and we welcome our studio renters and gallery goers to continue to visit our space. However, we do ask all our patrons to email prior to visiting so we can schedule your visit. We will be monitoring the situation as it progresses and we will keep an open channel of communication with all of you. 

  5. New Exhibition Dates: The Winter 2020 Group Exhibition will still be on view by appointment from Saturday April 4th - April 26th. Again, please email us to schedule your gallery tour.

Here’s what you can do to help us:

  1. Stay home if you are sick! 

  2. Wash your hands when you arrive. Washing your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds is the best way to stop the spread of disease. Keep yourself and your fellow patrons safe by washing your hands in our restrooms before enjoying the gallery or beginning or work.

We hope you understand our decision to limit the amount of group gatherings at our space as we feel it’s in the best interest of the community at large. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Director Matt Barteluce at with any questions or concerns!