What is the Güttengarden Art Camp
Güttengarden Art Camp (GAC) is a week long Summer Camp program geared towards grade school children that’ll be held at Guttenberg Arts’ backyard Community Garden this summer. Campers will take part in activities that include drawing, painting and a variety of other 2D and 3D projects as well as learning about planting and growing flowers and vegetables.
The workshops will make the day fly by and teach a mixture of artistic disciplines and sustainable planting and growing techniques. The creative workshops will include butterfly mono-prints, clay signs for the garden, hand building clay planters, investigating shapes in nature, plant identification, creature creation and observational botanical drawing.
Class size will be limited to 5 students, 10am-3pm, and all summer camp sessions will be held outside.
If interested, please answer the following 3 questions to help us cater the program to the needs of Hudson County, NJ.
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Guttenberg arts wants to gage which week (or both) is best for this year’s Summer Art Camp program.
We're asking for the help of our community to decide the week, fee and ages that would best suit the summer camp participants.
Guttengarden Art Camp curriculum will be implemented in the outdoor Guttenberg Arts community garden and will teach campers drawing, painting, planting, growing and host a variety of 2d and 3d artistic activities.
If interested, please answer the following 3 questions to help us cater the program to the needs of Hudson County, NJ.