Private Wheel Throwing Class
Private Wheel Throwing Class
A private 4 week ceramics workshop hosted at Guttenberg Arts.
Instructor: Megan Carli
Max students - 3
Learn to wheel-throw basic ceramic forms. Decorating, glazing and firing techniques will be covered. Emphasis on developing a personal sense of form using sound fundamental skills. The class is conducted over the course of four consecutive Thursdays. Beginners are welcome, no prior ceramics experience necessary!
Dates: Saturday May 5 / May 12 / May 19 / June 2
Time: 10am - 12:30pm
Includes 10 Free Hours Studio Time (must be used between April 22nd and May 20th)
Megan Carli is a multi-disciplinary artist. She received her bachelors degree in Fine Arts from the Academy of Art University with a focus on sculpture. As ceramic studio director of Guttenberg Arts Megan works directly with resident artists and teaches introductory workshops.